Monday, October 10, 2011

Mississippi considers anti-abortion law

Mississippi is putting an anti-abortion la, known as a "personhood amendment", on their November 8 ballot. The amendment is gaining a lot of support in conservative Mississippi, and some fear that this amendment will build momentum nationally against Roe v. Wade. The law legally defines a person at the moment of fertilization. The law has many negative factors, including prohibiting abortion in cases of rape or incest. The law also may prosecute women for a miscarriage and I believe this law is an invasion of one's privacy. It will be interesting to see if this bill passes and the consequences that will unfold around the nation as abortion gets banned.


  1. The idea that this 'personhood amendment' could be passed is terrifying, especially due to the fact that it refuses to make a distinction between pregnancies which result from rape. Not only does it show a lack of sensitivity for the women involved, it also reveals how their focus on the apparently sacred right to life has blinded them from considerations of the quality of life an unwanted child might experience. Furthermore, this amendment illustrates the ignorance of its creators in disregarding the arguments present in both pro-choice and pro-life ideologies regarding when an abortion may be morally permissible.

  2. I do not see how this bill could possibly be passed. While Mississippi is notoriously conservative when it comes to abortions, as it does not make a distinction between pregnancies resulting from rape and how it can hold the mother responsible for a miscarriage. It may be passed eventually after revisions have been made making it less conservative, I just do not see how this bill could be passed with these issues in today's world.

  3. Good that you found this article. It's crazy how close minded we some people can be. It's also hilarious how this southern state finds abortions to be such a terrible thing but they sure didn't find slavery to be bad.
