Monday, October 17, 2011

Anti-poverty week in Australia

This article discusses unequal distribution of wealth around the world and how anti-poverty week in Australia promotes individuals to discuss inequality at home and abroad.


  1. This article provides an interesting perspective on how Australia views poverty. It's surprising that a nation that is viewed as wealthy by the rest of the world does not necessarily have equal distribution of its wealth. The United States, although not as extreme as Australia, does have notable unequal distributions of wealth as well. It is important that nations deal with their own poverty issues before aiding those around the world. Dealing with your own poverty problems first helps you to be a stronger nation as a whole, which in turn will lead to more effective aid for those in need around the world.

  2. In this article, a very interesting fact is mentioned: throughout this economic uncertaintly, people have become attached to their wealth. This is so true for a person at any age. We try to save up whatever money whether its extra or not, just so we can be sure that when we MAY need it later its there. This sense of security comes with knowing that we will never be in a position where we cant afford what we or our families need. This however prevents us from thinking about the people who cannot afford what they need right now, and they are suffering at numerous levels because of this. We should be thinking about them too, we should be thinking about the global and local community we share our resources with. It is even true in US that 20% of the people own 80% of its wealth. Uneven distribution to this extent poses a problem as it exposes more then half the population to poverty and suffering. And the way our country is headed right now, the rich will get richer and poor will get poorer. Its time we embrace the act of giving.

  3. I thought this article was really interesting and definitely applicable to what we ourselves are currenting experiencing. There are many people and families in the US who are now facing poverty and there does not seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel. However, maybe having something like this across our nation we could, by each giving a little, collect enough money to put these troubled people at ease.

  4. really cool article
    i think it is always interesting and really cool to get a different opinion and see the world from the other side of the world
    that being said australia does not seem too far off the spectrum from the american state of mind. people trust the system they prescribe to in order to take care of all the problems they want. does this mean the system works and is the best way to do things. i think not. maybe all humans are just lazy and not just americans
