Monday, September 12, 2011

Terrorism and Just War Theory

This articles discusses the impacts of the 9/11 attacks, ten years after. I think this article is relevant to our discussion on terrorism and the just war doctrine because it exemplifies the fear that citizens felt by the attacks, and how it changed the way they think about their safety in their own homeland.

1 comment:

  1. I found the part of the article that talks about how the different generations especially future ones will view the events.

    I think about that a lot when it comes to the 9/11 attacks as we will probably never have the same view as older generations when it comes to things like World War II or the Great Depression. The Great Depression definitely changed the way the people from that time period think when it comes to lifestyle, savings, and banks. The same will apply to our generation when it comes to national security at all possible terrorist attack targets such as airports, sports arenas, etc.
